Welcome to Schwenn Family Chiropractic!
Let me show you around our newly remodeled office.
Our front desk is where we have information about our upcoming events and then we also over here have information about our upcoming events, so we have two sets spots where you can stay up to date on the things that are happening here in our office.
Kid's Corner
We have lots of toys and things for the kiddos to play with and enjoy while mommy and daddy are getting their adjustment or they're waiting their turn to get their adjustment.
Open adjusting
Nobody can see you getting adjusted, but they might be able to hear you getting adjusted. We have two tables, one on each side of this partition, and as we go along the outside of the office, we have specialized rooms dedicated to different things here in our office.
In this room here we have ChiroThin, which is our doctor-supervised weight loss program that we offer here in the office. ChiroThin has been life-changing for me, and that's why I decided to offer it here in our office.
Our restroom is fully equipped for kiddos, we have a changing station and we even have a little kid potty. We cater to families here at Schwenn Family Chiropractic.
Custom Adjusting Table
We like to call this the kitty table, I think it's like a jaguar or a leopard. I'm not sure, but all of our kiddos enjoy getting adjusted on our kitty-cat table.
Examination & X-Ray Room
At Schwenn Family Chiropractic, I am so dedicated to finding the exact cause of your problem, and to do that, we use computer technology both for your nervous system and also digital X-rays, so we don't guess with anyone's health, okay?
Utilities for Nursing/Pregnant Mothers
Then if we continue along the perimeter of the office, we also have a nursing mommies' room and we see so many pregnant mommies and babies and big sisters and big brothers that we, that we saw a need for this room. We're super proud of this room! We have a rocking glider chair with a breastfeeding pillow.
We have a little big sister, big brother area where the kiddos can sit and read a book or play with toys while mom nurses baby and another changing station so that if baby needs to be changed before they leave, then they can get that all accomplished in that nice private room.
We also have Drago and Nadia that live here. They're our mascots and they have been with me a full ten years. Nadia lives right there and Drago is over here and then they're going to be with us for a long, long time. I'm probably going to be willing them away to my children.
Private Adjusting Room
If getting adjusted in an open area just isn't your gig, we can certainly accommodate you here at Schwenn Family Chiropractic as well.
I would love for you to come in and see our beautifully remodeled office for yourself!